Pediatric Dentistry

Curly haired little girl looking and smiling to the dentist after a checking up
Curly haired little girl looking and smiling to the dentist after a checking up


Parents want one thing above all: the best for their child. Modern pediatric dentistry provides optimal conditions for healthy development – with the utmost patience and sensitive methods. We take time to get to know our young patients long before the first time a tooth needs to be treated. This means that little patients learn to trust us even from a very early stage.

Our practice is adapted to the needs of children:

We know their specific needs and will treat them with great care. If an anesthetic is needed, we use special, painless methods.


… but are often infected by family members within the first few months of their lives. The bacteria that cause tooth decay are transferred easily through contact with saliva. Checking if an infant’s bottle is warm by taking the nipple in your mouth is enough to cause this.

The metabolisms of the bacteria produce an aggressive acid that breaks down tooth enamel, and the teeth begin to decay. The best protection against this is our preventative treatment for children.


Visiting the dentist regularly is especially important in preventing these problems, even for little patients. If tooth decay arises despite this, you should definitely come to us as soon as possible before a painful cavity forms.

Practical tips for parents

  • One thing is clear: If your child has a dental condition, you should not hesitate. The sooner we can provide treatment, the easier it will be!
  • Negative statements like “Don’t be scared, it won’t hurt at all!” causes abstract thoughts, which can be overwhelming to children. They understand “scared” and “hurt” and react accordingly.
  • Express your message in a positive way and make sure it includes you too: “We’re going to the dentist together to keep our teeth nice and healthy.”
  • Parents often unwittingly transfer their own fears to their child, and children cannot distance themselves from this. They empathize with their parents and live in a symbiotic relationship with them (especially with their mother).
  • If you pick up on your child’s anxiety during your next visit to the dentist, remember that this is perfectly normal. Nevertheless, please try to relax. Children can sense their parents’ moods accurately and will rightly respond with uncertainty if their parents are tense or uptight.
  • We are glad that you are coming to us. Please trust us, and stay in the background during the treatment. We will of course discuss all treatment steps with you in advance. You can rely on us completely!
  • Please do not promise your child a present as a “little bribe.” We will reward their bravery with a small treat ourselves!